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Simply put, Troy Web Consulting is filled with the best of the best. Our staff is determined, kind, and curious. We support each other and cheer each other on, not just at the office but in the outside world too. Troy Web Consulting has a company culture that believes in doing our best and being our best. And we believe in having some fun too!
Over the years we have participated in numerous community events - including bowl-a-thons for Junior Achievement, Tri-City ValleyCats baseball games, a brewery tour of Troy's own Brown's Brewery, the CDPHP Workforce Challenge 5k Run and many more! With an all around supportive and friendly work environment, Troy Web Consulting stands out as a leader in the Capital Region for our company culture and tight-knit community.
When not in the community or working on Kick-Ass software, our team members participate in numerous professional development opportunities led by our Head of Professional Development which include:
Mentorship and accountability teams
Company-wide Trainings
Lunch & Learns
Dedicated time for professional training (50/50 Level-up)
Online training and dedicated resources for certification paths

Become Part Of Our Team
Troy Web Consulting does not believe that one size fits all. Not with Technology and certainly not with people. We pride ourselves on having great, unique, creative individuals working to help our clients be successful. As a result, we’re always interested in meeting new folks who are looking to build their career in the creative fields of software and design.