Iroquois Healthcare Association (IHA) is the premier voice of Upstate New York hospitals and health systems. IHA’s job search platform Caring Gene® connects job seekers with providers in the healthcare industry, helping workers find meaningful jobs and providers find skilled candidates. Looking for help with website maintenance and hosting suggestions, IHA sought a technology partner to support Caring Gene® and take it to the next stage of its evolution.
How we helped
Recognizing the need to maintain and further improve their job search platform, IHA partnered with Troy Web Consulting to support Caring Gene®. Troy Web has well-recognized experience in maintaining, building, and scaling healthcare applications following strict HIPAA compliance laws along with the knowledge of database development.
In the planning stages of the project, Troy Web listened to IHA’s goals for the improvement of the platform. IHA had an idea to expand Caring Gene®’s job search experience with an improved search filter. This new visual filter would offer an improved user experience (UX) for job seekers in the form of an interactive map of New York state searchable by county.
To help IHA realize the next evolution of Caring Gene®, Troy Web conducted a software assessment phase, setting up a custom agile development plan. New features including the interactive job search map, search filters, and frontend improvements were implemented according to IHA’s vision and goals. These new features together with the initial website maintenance services have provided a foundation to support the next step in the growth of Caring Gene®.

The results
With the ever-increasing demand for more meaningful work in the healthcare sector, Iroquois Healthcare Association (IHA) recognized an opportunity to update its job search platform. The improved Caring Gene® helps connect job seekers and potential employers through a meaningful visual experience and intuitive search filters.
The details
Caring Gene® is a job search platform from Iroquois Health Association (IHA) built on WordPress and used in the healthcare industry.
The Challenge
Iroquois Healthcare Association needed website maintenance and support while identifying a new opportunity to improve the platform’s overall usability and design.
The Solution
To realize this new direction, IHA enlisted the help of custom software and web developers Troy Web Consulting. First, Troy Web performed a host migration and set up a clean, stable WordPress environment. Troy Web specializes in custom WordPress development and design, so setting up efficient WordPress environments is an important and effective tool of their trade.
Next, Troy Web completed an information architecture analysis to organize the site according to the business goals, building a consolidated structure. Troy Web listened closely to IHA’s ideas, defining business requirements for the new job search filter. The rebuilt search form offers a more guided user experience, replacing the previous search with a zip code feature.
Troy Web met the need for a well-designed visual experience by implementing an interactive map of New York State searchable by county. This dynamic visual map is a unique job search tool that allows for an effective visual experience while meeting the functional requirement of matching users to their new potential employers.
The business impact
The rebuilt WordPress platform allows healthcare workers to easily search and apply for job openings while helping providers find the right candidates for their open positions. Caring Gene® is positioned to become a leader in the healthcare industry with technology that supports its long-term vision. Going forward, IHA continues to partner with Troy Web on a monthly service plan to maintain and improve IHA’s technology. Ongoing website maintenance is crucial to support the functionality and performance of web platforms, and by providing this service, Troy Web is helping to support IHA’s success and scalability.